Sep 25, · The goal of education is learning, and the vehicle used to accomplish this goal is teaching. In the learning-teaching process, the fundamental component which determines the Sep 18, · the objectives of this assessment are: to enable our children to demonstrate what they know, understand and can do their work; to help our children recognise the standards to The main focus of this essay is how assessment for learning can be used in an effective way in mathematics lessons. First I will briefly define assessment for learning. Then I will provide an
Assessment for Learning Essay - Free Argumentative Essays For Students
Are tests important for students? How should learning be assessed? Essays like the one on this page aim to answer these questions. Assessment of students is a vital exercise aimed at evaluating their knowledge, talents, thoughts, or beliefs Harlen, For younger kids, the teacher should focus on language development. Notably, organizations have a high probability of investing in futility because they lack opportunity for correction, essay on assessment for learning. However, in schools there are more chances of correcting mistakes. Similarly, teachers and parents should have a essay on assessment for learning of nurturing and correcting the students.
This is only possible through assessment of students at certain intervals during their learning progress. Equally, parents or teachers can use tests as they teach as a means of offering quick solutions to challenges experienced by students while learning. All trainers should work together with their students with the aim of achieving some goals. To evaluate if the goals are met, trainers use various assessment methods depending on the profession. This is exactly true when it comes to assessment in schools. Assessment should focus on the student learning progress. It should be essay on assessment for learning from the kindergarten to the highest levels of learning institutions such as the university. The most essential fact about assessment is that it has to be specific.
This implies that each test should try to evaluate if a student is able to demonstrate the understanding of certain concepts taught in class. Contrary to what most examiners believe, assessment should never be used as a means of ranking students. I this case the key aims of assessment will be lost. Ranking is not bad, but to some extent it might create a negative impression and demoralize the students who are not ranked at top in class. They feel that they are foolish, which is not the case. Assessment forms an important part of learning that determines whether the objectives of education have been attained or not Salvia, essay on assessment for learning, It essay on assessment for learning very crucial since it determines what course or career can the student partake depending on class performance.
This is not possible without an exam assessment. It engages instructors with a number of questions, which include whether they are teaching the students what they are supposed to be taught or not, essay on assessment for learning, and whether their teaching approach is suitable for students. Students should be subjected to assessment beyond class work, because the world is changing and they are supposed to adapt to dynamics they encounter in their everyday lives. Assessment is important for parents, students, and teachers. They should be able to identify skills, design lesson plans, and come up with the goals of learning. This is only possible with the assessment of the students through either exam or group assessment.
The assessment will make teachers improve learning mechanisms to meet the needs and abilities of all students. Parents are able essay on assessment for learning select and pay for the relevant curriculum for their students. They can hire personal tutors or pay tuition to promote the learning of the student. Students should be able to evaluate their performance and learning in school with the use of assessment results. It forms the basis of self-motivation as through it students are able to put extra efforts in order improve their exam performance.
Without results, a student might be essay on assessment for learning to assume that he or she has mastered everything taught in class. Various mechanisms can be used to assess the students in school. These include essay on assessment for learning group assessment and various examinations issued during the learning session. The exam could be done on a weekly, monthly, or terminal basis. Through this, a student is required to submit a written paper or oral presentation. Assignments are normally given with a fixed date of submission. The teacher determines the amount of time required depending on the complexity of the assignment.
It can take a day, a week, or even a month and this ensures that the student does not only rely on class work. It promotes research work and instills the self-driven virtue to the student. In addition, short time exam gives a quick feedback to the teacher about the student performance. Before looking at the various methods of exam assessment, it is important to understand the major role that the assessment plays in the learning of the student. Carrying out an assessment at regular intervals allows the teachers to know how their students are progressing over time with respect to their previous assessments Harlen, Actually, testing of students helps in their learning and creates motivation to learn more and improve their performance in the future examination.
It also guides the teacher on ways of passing on the knowledge to the students. There are three purposes of assessment and these include assessment for learning, assessment to learning, and assessment of learning. All these help the teacher in planning of his lessons and means of getting feedback from students. Moreover, these three factors of learning join the efforts of parents, student, and teachers in the process of learning, essay on assessment for learning. There are several repercussions realized when parents do not monitor closely the performance of their kids. The success of the student is easily achieved when there is harmony among the parents, teachers, and the students. Methods of assessment can be essay on assessment for learning into three steps: baseline, essay on assessment for learning and summative Stefanakis, The baseline is considered as the basic and marks the beginning of learning.
The summative one carries the bigger weight than the formative in the overall performance of the student. It carries more marks and it is usually done at the end of the teaching period in the term paper. The aim is to check for the overall understanding of the unit or topic by the student. As the formative assessment is a continuous process during the learning session in the classroom, the instructor should use the general feedback and observations while teaching. It can provide an immediate solution to the teacher because the area that troubles the student is easily identified and the teacher takes appropriate action.
Teachers should never ignore the formative or wait for the summative at the end of the learning term. Even if the teacher discovers weakness of the student, it might be less useful since there will be no room for improvement. Actually, essay on assessment for learning, it is more of a reactive measure rather than proactive summative assessment. Various mechanisms can be used to realize the formative assessment. They help the instructor to interact with the student more closely, creating a supportive learning environment for the student. The teacher is able to clear any existing misconception from the students due to prior knowledge.
It can also involve reflections of the student. Here, the student is required to take some time and reflect on what was taught. It necessitates the student to ask several questions regarding what was taught, for instance, questions about the hottest topic, new concepts, or questions left unanswered. It also involves the teacher asking questions during a teaching session. This makes the teacher to point out the areas the students have not understood. By doing so, the teacher is able to focus and put more effort on some topics as compared to others. The teacher can also decide to issue homework or assignments to students.
This gives students an opportunity to build confidence on the knowledge acquired during class work Stefanakis, Most importantly, the teacher could include the objectives and expectations of each lesson and this can be in form of questions. These questions create awareness and curiosity of students about the topic. For the above methods of assessment, various formats have been adopted. There are pencil and paper easement method, which is a written test. It can be a short essay or multiple choice questions. The third is the embedded assessment. It deals with testing the students in contextual learning and it is done in the formative stage. They are carried out in the formative stage.
Interviews evaluate the group and individual performance during the formative stage. There is also a performance task, which requires the student to work on an action related to the problem while explaining a scientific idea. Usually, it is assessed both in the summative and formative stages. All these formats ensure the objective of the assessment is essay on assessment for learning Harlen, The above exam method promotes learning and acquiring of knowledge among the students. Assessment is a flexible activity as what is done to an individual during assessment can also be done in a group and still achieve the objectives of the assessment. Group work aims to ensure that students work together.
The instructors will not know which student has contributed a lot in the group work, unless the same grade is given to group members to create fairness in the process of assessment Paquette, It is advisable to consider both the process and finished product when assessing group work. By just looking at the final work of the group, no one can tell who did what and did not. Individual contributions are implicit in the final project. The teacher should employ some other measures to be able to distribute grades fairly. The solutions of assessing group include consideration of the process and the final work. The instructor should assess the process involved in the development of the final work. The aspect of the project includes punctuality, cooperation and contribution of the individual student to the group work Stefanakis, The participation of each student and teamwork should be assessed.
Fair grading requires looking at the achievement of the objectives of the project, essay on assessment for learning.
IELTS Sample Essay Assessment: Learning from others' mistakes
, time: 10:13Essay on Assessment – Students in School
Assessment of Learning Assessment of learning is a summative process of assessment, generally undertaken at the end of a particular topic or unit of learning (MoE, ). The main Each lesson was structured in three phases, the initial being the identification of a new skill or recall of previously learnt skills providing opportunity for sharing learning objectives and Assessment For Learning Essay Assessment For Learning Essay Words4 Pages Assessment for Learning Align assessment with the constructive, student-centred learning
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